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What to Expect

First 3 Days

Summary of my Diary
The first few days aren't easy, but they aren't bad either.  When I tell you that it's worth the few days of teaching your body to eat less, drink a ton of water, and detox the chemicals that it's used to, I promise I mean it!  The first few days you'll definitely experience hunger and probably a headache on day 2 or 3.  Below is a diary of my first 3 days, just to give you a run-down of how you may feel, and remind you that you are not alone!


Day 1. I got this!

I woke up today feeling excited, and ready to go.  At 8:30, I got up (it IS a Sunday after all) and took the isa supreme drink.  I’m not going to lie; it was rough.  It took me 3 “shots” and some diluting with water to get it down.  I’m hoping I get used to it, but the after taste is not great.  It doesn’t smell terribly, but it’s kind of syrup-y.  I got some advice from the Facebook group about how to take it going forward - with hot water as a tea or put it in my shake, so i guess we’ll try that tomorrow.  After the shot, I chugged down a 12oz bottled water.


Half an hour later I had my #Isashake - chocolate flavor.  Wow!  I’d heard the shakes are good, but this really are fantastic!  I had mine with 8oz of water, and used my new Hamilton Beach single serve blender.  I blended for about 30 seconds, shook the cup to get some of the loose powder in, and hit the button for another 30 seconds.  Definitely enjoyable.  I drank another 16oz of water (I put it in the unclean cup to sip up the rest of the chocolate powder, yum!) and off I went with my day. I look forward to my next shake - strawberry - this afternoon.

Before I went off to Whole Foods to stock up on Isagenix approved food, I had one wafer, around 12pm.  They are tiny!  About the size of a nickel and probably 1/8 inch thick.  I got the berry flavor but will probably opt for chocolate next time to try it out.  I chugged another 12oz water and off to the supermarket I went.

When I got home around 2pm, it was time for my next shake.  Again, I used 8oz of cold water, and 2 scoops of Strawberry.  Delish!  After that i had another 8 oz of water in the leftover powder.


About a half an hour later I started to feel hungry.  I’m not used to eating so little; I guess that’s why.  I grabbed another wafer snack and had some hot cinnamon tea to try to hold me over.  Plus about 8 oz of lemon water.  Then I took a short nap; I wasn’t able to sleep as much as most naps, so maybe the energy is hitting already.  That would be awesome. 


Now it’s 5:33pm and I am not going to lie, I feel a bit dizzy and very hungry.  I snuck into the fridge and had about .5 oz of plain chicken just to get something else in my body.  Hopefully as I get used to eating like this, I won’t need to sneak, though chicken isn’t the worst thing I could eat.  I also took an accelerator pill.  I guess I’ll have to make dinner soon, and check in again in a bit.

End of day 1. Dinner!  Still feeling a bit hungry/having cravings for bad snacks.  I ate a lot for dinner.  I had quinoa pasta with spicy arrabbiata sauce and baby clams.  Yum!  about 2 oz of baked chicken breast.  half a cucumber, and plum tomatoes with lemon peel herb and onoin seasoning with dill and vinegar. Yum!!!  And last but not least, about a ¼ cup of sweet potato to help with the sweet cravings I’m having.  I feel like i ate a lot of food.  It’s a smidge over the 600 calorie dinner I’m allowed but since it’s the first day I don’t want to kill myself.  I’ll get there.

I’m also feeling a bit tired. My head has a dull ache but nothing major luckily.  I plan to have tea before bed and take the 2 last pills of the day.  Day 1 was tough but not as bad as I thought it would be. 


I have my shake ready to go in the morning, and one ready to take to work with 2 isa snacks.  I’ll probably bring along some blueberries and 1oz of chicken in case I start feeling like i need a little extra protein.  Just want to be prepared since I won’t be home for 12 hours and I don’t want to throw my whole day off because I don’t have what I need.

Day 2....not feeling so hot.

Day 2.  What a rough day for me.  I started getting a headache last night before bed.  I was sure to drink plenty of water and tea.  I woke up twice to pee and my head was killing me. I slept okay but when I woke up I felt nauseous and had an awful migraine.  I get migraines when my blood sugar goes down, so it might all be related.  However after speaking with the facebook group and my coach, it seems like headaches on day 2 or 3 are normal.  


I got up and took the Ionix Supreme.  I drank it like tea this time.  It was still pretty terrible but a little better than the shot, and took a lot longer to drink.  Tomorrow I’m going to try it as a shot again.

I had my shake on the way to work, I didn’t wait the full 30 minutes because I felt so crappy.  And I had the natural accelerator about an hour later at work, along with lots of tea and water.


I had to nibble some baked chicken because I felt so sick. I ended up having a cucumber salad with vinegar as a snack, one isagenix snack wafer, and some blueberries.  I felt like death all day and ended up taking an hour nap.  

I had my shake around 3pm and forgot the accelerator.  Somehow I made it through the day, went home and had a call with my Coach. She said my feelings are normal and I should feel better in a day or two.  For dinner I made baked salmon with Dijon Mustard baked on top, Brown rice with chipotle seasoning (Flavor God) mixed in, and chopped spinach (frozen) with some lemon juice.  I felt a little better, but tried to get to sleep early.  I probably didn’t fall asleep until close to 10pm but I slept pretty well and woke up without a headache!  

Day 3...No headache, just tired.

Woke up this morning with no headache, hooray!  And VERY hungry.  Got up and decided to try the Iso drink as a shot again.  Took about half the shotglass and almost spit it back up.  Then I decided I needed a chaser. I cut up a lemon, held my nose, took the rest of the shot, and sucked on the piece of lemon.  It really helped with the awful aftertaste. May be my new go-to from now on.


Waited a little bit, made my shake.  I should probably have had water in between but there is no time in the morning. I had the vanilla shake on the way in. vanilla isn’t bad but it’s such a light flavor; I wish it was more vanilla-y.  


Got to work, took the accelerator with 8oz of water.  Time for more water!  I’m still kind of hungry but will chug some water and tea over the next hour, then have a snack. I had a bit of a struggle with dinner.  My boyfriend Charlie had a soccer game and he didn’t get to eat lunch so after the game we went to Applebees, because it was super close by.  I got margarita chicken sans the cheese and tortilla strips.  It came with some kind of sauce on it, I didn’t realize so I took it off best as I could.  I ate some of the rice, it’s spanish rice so not brown rice.  Did the best I could.


Summary of Nutritional Cleansing
Cleansing isn't the easier day (or two) you'll have in this process, but the way you feel the following day is worth it.  Your body will detox it's impurities while burning fat, and be given that rare chance to rest and regenerate.  Isadelights will be your bff.  The shake the day after will taste amazing!  And you will feel healthier and more energetic.  If you can make it through day 2, it's a day full of pure fat burning.  Just don't forget, no-to low- exercise on cleanse days!


One-Day Cleanse

I did the cleanse today.  I’m only doing a 1 day cleanse this time around.  I may do 2 day Sunday/Monday coming up.  

It’s 10:10pm and I made it through the day.  I followed the cleanse list, only have my bedtime flush to go.  I definitely drank the right amount of water.  


I was prepping some chicken for tomorrow and the day after, and I did have one bite.  But that’s it.  Everything else I followed all day. I had 10 wafers, 1 chocolate isadelight about an hour ago for making it through the day (not bad!), and I’m not overly hungry.  I’m a bit hungry, not gonna lie.  Looking forward to my morning shake. The nice thing about this was I had to drink or eat a wafer so often it kept me busy and I was still always putting something in my mouth.  I worked all day at home and then went to Michael’s to get out  of the house and check out some crafting for an upcoming bridal shower.

I’m proud to have made it through the day, and hope to feel as awesome as everyone says they do the day following a cleanse.  We will see tomorrow (and include a weigh-in!).


Weigh-in complete; down 2 lbs and feeling great! 

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